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2938 resultats trouvés
Auteur Titre Type [ Année(Desc)]
Gonthier-Besacier, Nathalie, and Charlotte Disle. "L'utilité perçue du concept de 'business model' par les analystes financiers." In Association Francophone de Comptabilité. Toulouse, France, 2015.
Reydet, Sabine, Sylvie Jarnias, and François Pichault. "Maintenir la banque de proximité à l'heure du digital : des pressions du contexte aux jeux d'acteurs." In Congrès de l'AGRH. Montpellier, France, 2015.
Ruel, Salomée. "Management Fashion Theory as a New Prism of Analysis to the Gap between Literature and Practice in Supply Chain Management." In UIIC. Berlin, Allemagne, 2015.
Bouzdine-Chameeva, Tatiana, A. Ferrand, Pierre Valette-Florence, and Nicolas Chanavat. "Measurement and segmentation of sport fans using brand association networks : Application to Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League (UCL)." Sport Management Review 18 (2015): 407-420.
Araujo, Davi Lucas Arruda, Dimària Silva Meirelles, Silvio Popadiuk, Bàrbara Ilze Semensato, and Paolo Edoardo Coti-Zelati. "Modelo de Negócio : as Operações de uma Distribuidora de Combustíveis no Complexo Industrial Portuário de Suape - PE." In XVIII SEMEAD. São Paulo, Brésil, 2015.
Tréhan, Natacha. "Motiver ses fournisseurs pour garantir son avantage concurrentiel ." Les Echos Le Cercle (2015).
Gandia, Romain, and Guy Parmentier. "Nadeo / Trackmania : quand une communauté innovante s’empare d’un jeu ouvert." In Gestion de l’innovation : 12 études de cas, edited by Thomas Loilier and Albéric Tellier, 150-172. Cormelles-le-Royal: EMS - Edition Management et Société, 2015.
Dupré, Denis. Non à la guerre ! In Huffington Post., 2015.
Lamine, Wadid, Sarah L. Jack, Alain Fayolle, and Didier Chabaud. "One step beyond ? Towards a process view of social networks in entrepreneurship." Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 27 (2015): 413-429.
Ruel, Salomée, and Lhoussaine Ouabouch. "Paradoxe du système d’information dans la supply chain : vecteur de performance ou facteur de risques ?" In ORIANE. Bayonne, France, 2015.
Gallego-Roquelaure, Virginie. "Paul Reynolds - Activité entrepreneuriale et croissance." In Les grands auteurs en entrepreneurait et PME, 18. Editions EMS - Management et Sociétés, 2015.
Carrière, Sophie, and Rémi Janin. Paul Reynolds - Activité entrepreneuriale et croissance (Les Grands Auteurs). De Boeck, 2015.
Cheillan, Hervé, and Geoffroy Enjolras. "Performance des stratégies BoP orientées ‘produits’ : une analyse par la méthode de sondage de cas." In 5ème conférence annuelle d’Atlas AFMI Association Francophone de Management International. Hanoï, Vietnam, 2015.
Gunasekaran, Angappa, Zahir Iranib, King-Lun Choy, Lionel Filippi, and Thanos Papadopoulos. "Performance Measures and Metrics in Outsourcing Decisions: A Review for Research and Applications." International Journal of Production Economics 161 (2015): 153-166.
Desmarais, Céline, Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon, Martine Ceyzeriat, Rodolphe Colle, Maud Ligeon, Paula Nestea, Damien Richard, and Pierre Souchon. "Prévention des RPS : peut-on envisager de meilleures interventions ?" In DIM GESTES. Paris, France, 2015.
Barbu, Elena, Marie-Hélène Bihr, and Nicoleta Ienciu. "Proposal of an International Human Capital Reporting Grid to Improve the Valorisation of Human Resources." In 38th Congrès de l'European Accounting Association (EAA). Glasgow, Royaume Uni, 2015.
Martin-Lacroux, Christelle. "Quel effet des fautes d’orthographe sur la décision de présélection des dossiers de candidature ? Les leçons d’une analyse mixte auprès de 536 recruteurs." In 26ème Congrès de l'Association de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH). Montpellier, France, 2015.
Boyer-Allirol, Béatrice, and Pascal Dumontier. "Quel référentiel pour quelle(s) fin(s) ?" In Congrès AFC. Toulouse, France, 2015.
Blum, Véronique. "Real options and emerging energy trends : a methodological transition ?" In Energy & Finance Conference, CASS Business School, London. London, United Kingdom, 2015.
Parmentier, Guy, and Romain Gandia. "Redesigning the Business Model : from one-sided to multi-sided." In EGOS. Athènes, Grèce, 2015.
Tréhan, Natacha. "Regards croisés avec un Directeur Général." Profession Achats (2015): 35-36.
Carrière, Sophie, and Rémi Janin. Reporting comptable et financier des sociétés: Comprendre, interpréter et analyser l'information. De Boeck, 2015.
MacLennan, Maria Laura Ferranty, Bàrbara Ilze Semensato, and Fàbio Lotti Oliva. "Responsabilidade social empresarial : classificação das instituições de ensino superior em reativas ou estratégicas sob a otica da governança corporativa." REGE USPREGE USP 22 (2015): 457-472.
Diallo, Mbaye Fall, Fatou Diop-Sall, Erick Leroux, and Pierre Valette-Florence. "Responsible tourist behaviour: The role of social engagement." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 30 (2015): 85-104.
Riot, Philippe, and Alain Fayolle. Rethinking Entrepreneurship. Debating Research Orientations. Routledge, 2015.
Bories-Azeau, Isabelle, Christian Defélix, Anne Loubès, and Odile Uzan. RH, RSE et territoires : défits théoriques, réalisations pratiques. Paris: Vuibert, 2015.
Eydieux, Jérémy. "Risks governance and risky operations helping each other to face unexpected events: A few contributions of pragmatist philosophy." In European Pragmatism Conference II. Paris, France, 2015.
Dominguez-Péry, Carine, Julien De Benedittis, Rana Tassabehji, and Armelle Farastier. "The role of SMEs’ individual ACAP to enhance radical innovations : the case of a textile cluster." In 31th EGOS Colloquium. Athènes, Grèce, 2015.
Tassabehji, Rana, Carine Dominguez-Péry, and A. Dahan. "The role of women in technological innovation." In Research seminar-University of Montpellier. Montpellier, France, 2015.
Rossano, Maryline, Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon, and Céline Desmarais. "Rupture du contrat psychologique et risques psycho-sociaux : une recherche intervention dans le cadre de la théorie de la conservation des ressources." Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 1 (2015): 58-77.
Dupré, Denis. Sanctuariser 80% des réserves d'énergie fossile In Huffington Post., 2015.
Sassi-Chamsi, Houda, and J-E Gharbi. "Self-Presentation on Social Networking Sites." Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities (2015).
Ponsignon, Frédéric, Blandine Ageron, Laura Philipps, and Olivier Lavastre. "Servitization and SCM: Preliminary evidence from a servitized organisation." In 1ère édition du Colloque International PROLOG (Project and Logistic). Metz, France, 2015.
Lavastre, Olivier, Frédéric Ponsignon, Blandine Ageron, and Laura Philipps. "Shifting from a product-based Business Model to service-centric one: impact on supply chain management." In XXIVème Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS). Clermont Ferrand, France, 2015.
Ducros, Margaux, and Salomée Ruel. "The snake which bites its own tail… Or the vicious circle of the vulnerable supply chain which does not manage its knowledge." In INCOM. Ottawa, Canada, 2015.
Enjolras, Geoffroy, and Magali Aubert. "Stabilité ou instabilité des stratégies commerciales ? Le cas des circuits courts dans l'agriculture française." In 9èmes journées de recherches en sciences sociales. Nancy, France, 2015.
Vellera, Cyrielle, and Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret. "stimuler les capacités créatives des utilisateurs enrôlés dans des processus de co-création : l'effet du type de stimulation de l'activité d'imagerie mentale." In 30ème Congrès International de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM). Marrakech, Maroc, 2015.
Depoers, Florence. "Stratégies de publication d’informations dans un cadre réglementaire : le cas des dépenses environnementales." In 2nd French Congress on CSEAR (Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research). Paris, France, 2015.
Depoers, Florence. "Stratégies de publication d’informations dans un cadre réglementaire : le cas des dépenses environnementales." In 36ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC). Toulouse, France, 2015.
Blum, Véronique, and David Alexander. "Sustainable development or sustainability of the business ? A Luhmanian analysis." In Meditari Accountancy Research European Conference,. Bologna, Italie, 2015.
Blum, Véronique, and David Alexander. "Sustainable development or sustainability of the business ? A Luhmanian analysis." In Society for Advanced Socio-Economics (SASE). London, United Kingdom, 2015.
Liñán, Francisco, and Alain Fayolle. "A systematic literature review on entrepreneurial intentions : citation, thematic analysis, and research agenda." International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 11 (2015): 907-933.
Lhamby, Andressa, Victor Paulo Kloe Pires, Bàrbara Ilze Semensato, and Luciana Borba Benetti. "Terceiro Setor e Gestão de Pessoas : Profissionalização e Competências Voltadas à Missão Institucional." In 12º CONTECSI - International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management. São Paulo, Brésil, 2015.
Jongmans, Eline, Alain Jolibert, and Julie Irwin. "Toujours plus, toujours mieux ? Effet contre-intuitif de l’évaluation des attributs environnementaux du produit par le consommateur." Recherche et Applications en Marketing 29 (2015): 10-33.
Evrard-Samuel, Karine, and Van-Dat Cung. "Towards evaluation tools for last mile delivery projects." In I-NUF METRANS. Long Beach, Etats-Unis, 2015.
Tarillon, Caroline, Frédérique Grazzini, and Jean-Pierre Boissin. "Trajectoires de croissance et structures de gouvernance élargies : une lecture des représentations des dirigeants-fondateurs de startups." Revue Internationale PME 28 (2015): 65-101.
Tarillon, Caroline, and Jean-Pierre Boissin. "Trajectoires des start-up françaises : une lecture au travers des représentations de leur dirigeant en termes de conséquences attendues de la croissance." In 9ème Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation (AEI). Nantes, France, 2015.
Blum, Véronique, and Bernard Gumb. "Transparency and extractive activities : a case in accounting regulation." In AFC. Lille, France, 2015.
Makaci, Mourad, Paul Reaidy, Karine Evrard-Samuel, Valérie Botta-Genoulaz, and Thibaud Monteiro. "A typology of warehouse pooling : an exploratory study." In The 10th European Research Seminar on Logistics and SCM. ERS 2015. Copenhague, Danemark, 2015.
Fayolle, Alain, Bernard Surlemont, and Caroline Verzat. "Un projet éditorial à la croisée des mondes." Entreprendre & Innover 27 (2015): 5-9.
Laur, Inessa, and Alain Fayolle. "Understanding Cluster Initiatives in Europe – Uniqueness and Contextuality." In Sustainable Development in Organizations Studies on Innovative Practices, edited by Mattias Elg, Per-Erik Ellström, Magnus Klofsten and Malin Tillmar, 275-298. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015.
Gand, Sébastien, and Elvira Periac. "Vers des écosystèmes de services gérontologiques ? Instrumenter la coopération territoriale dans l'aide aux proches aidants de personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie." In Congrès IAE 2015. Rennes, France, 2015.
Chanal, Valérie, Humbert Lesca, and Alain-Charles Martinet. "Vers une ingénierie de la recherche en sciences de gestion." Revue Française de Gestion 41 (2015): 213-229.
Lessassy, Léopold. "Vivre à Bratislava et faire ses courses à Vienne : une approche transfrontalière de la zone de chalandise." Management & Gouvernance Entreprises -Territoires-Sociétés (2015): 59-73.
Makaci, Mourad, Paul Reaidy, Karine Evrard-Samuel, Valérie Botta-Genoulaz, and Thibaud Monteiro. "Warehouse Pooling Specifities : A preliminary Study." In The 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE45). Metz, France, 2015.
Dung, Tran, Isabelle Girerd-Potin, and Pascal Louvet. "What Do We Know about Bank Capital Structure? Evidence from International Data." SSRN Electronic Journal (2015).
Girerd-Potin, Isabelle, and Pascal Louvet. "What do we know about bank capital structure ? Evidence from international data." In 12th Asian Business Research Conference. Bangkok, Thailande, 2015.
Viale, Laurence, Dorsaf Zouari, and Karine Evrard-Samuel. "When reciprocity between suppliers and buyers conduct to radical co-innovation." In 24th IPSERA Conference. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 2015.
Enjolras, Geoffroy, and Magali Aubert. "Which relationship between financial distress and marketing channels ? An analysis of French farms." In 32ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Finance (AFFI). Cergy, France, 2015.
Lamine, Wadid, Alain Fayolle, and Hela Chebbi. "Actor-network theory and the entrepreneurial process." In Entrepreneurial Process and Social Networks A Dynamic Perspective, edited by Alain Fayolle, Sarah L. Jack, Wadid Lamine and Didier Chabaud, 335-360. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
Verdier, Christine, Anne-Marie Benoit, Fabrice Forest, Maria Di Mascolo, Agnès Front, Jean Malot, Annabelle Mercier, Vincent Rialle, Dominique Rieu, Guillaume Thomann et al. "Analyse empirique des points de blocage dans le processus de soutien à domicile des personnes fragiles." Journal de Gestion et Economie Médicales 34 (2016): 321-341.
Aubert, Magali, and Geoffroy Enjolras. "Analyse financière des exploitations fruitières et maraîchères françaises qui vendent au détail." Economie Rurale 356 (2016): 99-113.
Pontrandolfi, Antonella, Geoffroy Enjolras, and Fabian Capitanio. "Analysis of Factors Used by Farmers to Manage Risk : A Case Study on Italian Farms." International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 10 (2016): 2674-2682.
Blum, Véronique, and Bernard Gumb. "Antenarration et communication financière : leçons de l’opération Areva/UraMin." Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit 22 (2016): 77-107.
Blum, Véronique, and Bernard Gumb. "Antenarrative and Financial Communication : Lessons from the Areva/Uramin Operation." Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit 22 (2016): 77-107.
Gonthier-Besacier, Nathalie, Géraldine Hottegindre, and Sandrine Fine-Falcy. "Audit quality perception : Beyond the “role-perception gap"." International Journal of Auditing 20 (2016): 186-201.
Bitar, Mohammad, Wadad Saad, and Mohammed Benlemlih. "Bank Risk and Performance in the MENA Region : The Importance of Capital Requirements." Economic Systems 40, no. 2 (2016): 398-421.
Vellera, Cyrielle, and Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret. "A better understanding of the role and underlying mechanism of stimulating mental imagery in improving the creativity of “ordinary” users." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition) 31, no. 3 (2016): 111-130.
Kapferer, Jean-Noël, and Pierre Valette-Florence. "Beyond rarity : the paths of luxury desire : How luxury brands grow yet remain desirable." Journal of Product and Brand Management 25, no. 2 (2016): 120-133.
Gandia, Romain, and Guy Parmentier. "Business Model Ambidexterity: Combining Exploration and Exploitation Business Models in Sustainable Innovation." In 32nd EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies). Naples, Italie, 2016.
Disle, Charlotte, Stéphane Périer, Frédéric Bertrand, and Nathalie Gonthier-Besacier. "Business Model et normalisation comptable : quelle intégration du modèle économique par les IFRS ?" Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit Tome 22 (2016): 85-119.
Dujardin, Pierre-Philippe, Thomas Reverdy, Annick Valette, and Patrice François. "Cadre de santé et gestion de projet d’amélioration de la qualité : analyse de l’action managériale à partir d’une formation-action à la gestion de projet." Recherche en soins infirmiers 2 (2016): 46-60.
Adam, Anne-Flore, and Alain Fayolle. "Can implementation intention help to bridge the intention-behaviour gap in the entrepreneurial process ? An experimental approach." The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 17 (2016): 80-88.
Landstrom, Hans, Annaleena Parhankangas, Alain Fayolle, and Philippe Riot. Challenging Entrepreneurship Research. Routledge, 2016.
Dolati Neghabadi, Parisa, Karine Evrard-Samuel, and Marie-Laure Espinouse. "City logistics : a review and research framework." In Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique. Lausanne, Suisse, 2016.
Dupré, Denis. Comment 97% des députés ont fait capoter la loi pour lutter contre l'évasion fiscale In Huffington Post., 2016.
Bayeh, Antonio, Mohammad Bitar, Radu Burlacu, and Thomas Walker. "Competition, Securitization and Efficiency in US Banks." In 8th International Conference of the International Finance ande Banking Society (IFABS). Barcelone, Espagne, 2016.
Bayeh, Antonio, Mohammad Bitar, Radu Burlacu, and Thomas Walker. "Competition, Securitization and Efficiency in US Banks." In Portsmouth-Fordham Conference on Banking and Finance. Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 2016.
Bayeh, Antonio, Mohammad Bitar, Radu Burlacu, and Thomas Walker. "Competition, Securitization and Efficiency in US Banks." In 33rd Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance (GDRE). Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2016.
Bayeh, Antonio, Mohammad Bitar, Radu Burlacu, and Thomas Walker. "Competition, Securitization and Efficiency in US Banks." In 6th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS). Malaga, Espagne, 2016.
Bayeh, Antonio, Mohammad Bitar, Radu Burlacu, and Thomas Walker. "Competition, Securitization and Efficiency in US Banks." In Paris financial Management Conference (IPAG Business School). Paris, France, 2016.
Boyer-Allirol, Béatrice. "Comprendre et optimiser la fonction finance." In Management d’Entreprise, edited by Franck Brulhart and Christophe Favoreu, 106-135. Paris: Dunod, 2016.
Riot, Philippe, and Alain Fayolle. "Conclusion : final thoughts and perspectives." In Rethinking Entrepreneurship: Debating Research Orientations, edited by Alain Fayolle and Philippe Riot, 179-185. Routledge, 2016.
Shomali, Azadeh, and Jonatan Pinkse. "The consequences of the smart grid for the business model of the electricity firms." Journal of cleaner production 112 (2016): 3830-3841.
Cucchi, Alain, Emilie Hoareau, and Chantal Fuhrer. "Contribution des réseaux d’innovation au développement des organisations : une interprétation en termes de capital sociotechnique." Systèmes d'Information et Management 21, no. 3 (2016): 7-61.
Favier, Marc, Aria Teimourzadeh, and S. Kakavand. "Contribution of Social Networks as an Identification Platform to Talent Acquisition Management An ongoing research?" In 21ème Conférence de l’Association Information et Management (AIM). Lille, France, 2016.
Zouari, Dorsaf, and Karine Evrard-Samuel. "Coordination inter-organisationnelle dans la supply chain : Approche de résolution par les problèmes." In Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique. Lausanne, Suisse, 2016.
Martin, Cécile, and Tiphaine Jérôme. "Cost-(in)efficiency and institutional pressures in chain nursing homes." European Accounting Review 5 (2016): 687-718.
Youness, Chebli, and Pierre Valette-Florence. "A Customer Perspective of Online Reputation: Some Antecedents and Consequences?" In Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Floride, Etats-Unis, 2016.
Boyer-Allirol, Béatrice, and Pascal Dumontier. "De l’utilité de l’information environnementale pour l’investisseur." In Congrès AFC. Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2016.
Blum, Véronique. "Discounted Cash Flows and Fair Value : Value Creation or Sense Destruction?" In IFRS in a Global World : International and Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Essays in Honor of Professor Jacques Richard, edited by Didier Bensadon and Nicolas Praquin, 85-99. Springer Verlag, 2016.
Valette-Florence, Pierre, and Haithem Guizani. "Dis-moi où tu voyages … je te dirai quelles sont tes motivations : développement et application d’une nouvelle méthode de segmentation du choix des destinations touristiques." Décisions Marketing (2016).
Disle, Charlotte, Nathalie Gonthier-Besacier, Frédéric Bertrand, and Stéphane Périer. "Divulgation volontaire sur le Business model : le cas des entreprises du CAC40." In 37e Congrès de l'AFC - "Comptabilité et gouvernance", cd-rom. 37ème Congrès de l'AFC. Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2016.
Martin-Lacroux, Christelle, and Alain Lacroux. "Do employers forgive applicants' bad spelling in résumés ?" Business and Professional Communication Quaterly Forthcoming articles published ahead of print (2016).
Enjolras, Geoffroy, and Magali Aubert. "Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices ? An analysis of French farms." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 12 (2016): 189-213.
Radu-Lefebvre, Miruna, Alain Fayolle, and Christian Friedemann. "Do we need passionate teachers to foster entrepreneurship ?" In ISBE 2016. Paris, France, 2016.
Radu-Lefebvre, Miruna, Alain Fayolle, and Christian Friedemann. "Do we need passionate teachers to foster entrepreneurship ? Conceptual model and research agenda." In Entrepreneurship European Summer University - ESU Network. Lyon, France, 2016.
Lenglet, François, and Jean-Luc Giannelloni. "Does a terroir product tell the same story to tourists, day trippers, and local consumers? The moderating role of variety seeking tendency and perceived authenticity." International Journal of Tourism Research 18, no. 5 (2016): 494-505.
Faudot, Adrien, and Jean-François Ponsot. "The Dollar Dominance : Recent Episode of Trade Invoicing and Debt Issuance." Journal of Economic Integration 31, no. 1 (2016): 41-64.
Bihr, Philippe, and Marie-Hélène Bihr. Droit civil général. Paris: Dalloz, 2016.
Alexander, David, and Véronique Blum. "Ecological Economics : A Luhmannian Analysis of Integrated Reporting." Ecological Economics 129 (2016): 241-251.
Dupré, Denis. Economie collaborative ou économie capitaliste ? Nos choix économiques sont des choix de société In Huffington Post., 2016.
Giannelloni, Jean-Luc, and Emmanuelle Le Nagard. "Editorial, Big Data et marketing prédictif. Vers un « consommateur nu ? »." Décisions Marketing (2016): 5-15.
Giannelloni, Jean-Luc, and Emmanuelle Le Nagard. "Editorial, « Ce n’est que du marketing » !" Décisions Marketing (2016): 5-10.
Giannelloni, Jean-Luc, and Emmanuelle Le Nagard. "Editorial, Marketers, consommateurs, mêmes combats !" Décisions Marketing (2016): 5-9.
Le Pendeven, Benjamin, Alain Fayolle, Sylvain Bureau, and Benoît Tézenas du Montcel. "Editorial, Regards croisés sur l’innovation." Entreprendre & Innover 3 (2016): 5-6.
Rasmi, Kokash, Alain Fayolle, and Guedri Zied. "The Effects of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Knowledge Creation on Firm Second-order Competences: Exploratory Evidence from Knowledge-intensive Sectors." International Business Research 9 (2016): 46-63.
Finger, Robert, Niklas Möhring, Tobias Dalhaus, and Geoffroy Enjolras. "The Effects of Crop Insurance on Pesticide Use." In 156th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists: Prospects for agricultural insurance in Europe. Wageningen , Pays-Bas, 2016.
Kaswengi, Joseph, Mbaye Fall Diallo, H. Akrout, and Pierre Valette-Florence. "Effects of marketing variables and consumer characteristics on masstige brand choice under turbulence: Evidence from panel data." In Monaco Symposium on Luxury. Monaco, Monaco, 2016.
Balbo, Laurie, and Marie-Laure Gavard-Perret. "Effects of message framing on intentions towards the Pap test: moderation by the objective of the recommende behavior, mediated by the valence of mental imagery." In Academy of marketing sciences 19th world marketing congress. Paris, France, 2016.
Eydieux, Jérémy, Stéphanie Tillement, and Benoît Journé. "Élaboration des démonstrations et des évaluations de sûreté : une approche pragmatiste." In Journées Du Risque 2016 : "Nucléaire, Hommes et Société". Nantes, France, 2016.
Burlacu, Radu, Alain Guéniche, and Sonia Jimenez-Garcès. "Empirical Derivation of the Optimal Informed Investors’ Portfolio." In 33th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI). Liège, Belgique, 2016.
Guerrero, Maribel, David Urbano, and Alain Fayolle. "Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness : Evidence from European Entrepreneurial Universities." Journal of Technology Transfer 41 (2016): 105-131.
Servantie, Vinciane, Mathieu Cabrol, and Jean-Pierre Boissin. "Is Entrepreneurial Internationalization a field ? A bibliometric analysis (1989-2015)." Journal of International Entrepreneurship 14 (2016): 168-212.
Randerson, Kathleen, Jean-Michel Degeorge, and Alain Fayolle. "Entrepreneurial opportunities : how do cognitive styles and logics of action fit in ?" International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 27 (2016): 19-39.
Fayolle, Alain, Sarah L. Jack, Marcus Wallenberg, Wadid Lamine, and Didier Chabaud. Entrepreneurial Process and Social Networks A Dynamic Perspective. Edwar Elgar Publishing, 2016.
Guerrero, Maribel, David Urbano, Alain Fayolle, Magnus Klofsten, and Sarfraz Mian. "Entrepreneurial universities : emerging models in the new social and economic landscape." Small Business Economics 47 (2016): 551-563.
Razgallah, Myriam, Olfa Zeribi, and Adnane Maalaoui. "Entrepreneuriat social et bricolage : perceptions d’entrepreneurs sociaux." In XXVe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS). Hammamet, Tunisie, 2016.
Bylykbashi, Suela, Khalil Assala, and Gilles Roehrich. "Entrepreneurship and innovation in a competition context." Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences 2 (2016): 9-31.
Courtonne, Jean-Yves, Pierre-Yves Longaretti, Julien Alapetite, and Denis Dupré. "Environmental pressures embodied in the French cereals supply chain." Journal of Industrial Ecology 20, no. 3 (2016): 423-434.
Dupré, Denis. Envoyez un mail à Pierre Moscovici pour la transparence fiscale des entreprises en Europe In Huffington Post., 2016.
Carton, Sabine, and Imad Haraoubia. "Étude d’un écosystème digital : acteurs et configurations." In 21ème Conférence de l’Association Information et Management (AIM). Lille, France, 2016.
Ceyzeriat, Martine, Sandrine Caroly, and Emmanuel Abord de Chatillon. "Etude de l’activité des managers de proximité d’une collectivité territoriale dans un contexte de changement organisationnel." In 50ème congrès international de la Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française. Paris, France, 2016.
Boissin, Jean-Pierre. Étudiant-entrepreneur : un statut d’avenir ? In The Conversation., 2016.
Dupré, Denis. Evasion fiscale, l'Europe patine, la France recule ! In Huffington Post., 2016.
Bleoju, Gianita, Alexandru Capatina, Elisa Rancati, and Nicolas Lesca. "Exploring organizational propensity toward inbound- outbound marketing techniques adoption : the case of pure players and click and mortar companies." In Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA). Valencia, Espagne, 2016.
Bleoju, Gianita, Alexandru Capatina, Elisa Rancati, and Nicolas Lesca. "Exploring organizational propensity toward Inbound-Outbound Marketing techniques adoption : The case of pure players and click and mortar companies." Journal of Business Research 69, no. 11 (2016): 5524-5528.
Fayolle, Alain. "Final conclusion : what we need to know about Family Entrepreneurship." In Family Entrepreneurship. Rethinking the research agenda, edited by Kathleen Randerson, Cristina Bettinelli, Giovanna Dossena and Alain Fayolle, 304-307. Routledge, 2016.
Abord de Chatillon, Emmanuel, François Grima, and Bec P. De Lièvre. "From Priests to married priests : dealing with an identity threat during a stigmatising macro transition." In 16th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM 16). Paris, France, 2016.
Randerson, Kathleen, Alain Fayolle, and Giovanna Dossena. "The future of family businesses : Family entrepreneurship." Futures 75 (2016): 36-43.
Parmentier, Guy, and Romain Gandia. "Gérer l’ouverture dans un business model multiface : Le cas du jeu vidéo en ligne." Revue Française de Gestion (2016): 107-128.
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